The age of computer technology is very detrimental to the eyes. According to The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, approximately 253 million people have vision problems. Eye diseases affect more than 19 million children. And 65% of all people with visual impairments are people aged 50 and older.
Any nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts) are rich in vitamins E and B2. The first is necessary for the normal functioning of the macula – a small area on the retina, from which visual information enters the brain. In addition, vitamin E fights free radicals that destroy eye tissue and prevent cataracts.
Vitamin B2 affects the perception of colors, has a beneficial effect on visual acuity. Deficiency of this element often leads to the development of inflammatory diseases – blepharitis and conjunctivitis. To prevent eye pathologies, it is enough to eat one handful of nuts a day.
Oily fish
Herring, mackerel, salmon – it’s not only delicious but also useful. Fatty fish contain omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which play an important role in eye protection. They improve nerve conduction in the retina and are involved in the formation of tear fluid. The deficiency of these elements threatens the deterioration of vision.
One serving of fish a week is enough to maintain eye health. If you do not want to choose the bones, you can replace the dish with two or three tablespoons of fish oil.
Egg yolks
Egg yolks are a valuable source of lutein. According to the content of this element, they overtake all other foods.
Lutein accumulates in the macula and protects the eye from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays. In combination with zinc, taking this element protects the retina from age-related damage and the lens – from turbidity.
You need to take the yolks raw because lutein can not withstand the heat treatment. However, there is one thing: eggs contain cholesterol, so people suffering from atherosclerosis should not abuse them.
Carrot contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is broken down in the body to vitamin A. This valuable element is part of the visual pigment of the eye, through which a person can distinguish objects in the dark. With a lack of vitamin A, the acuity of twilight vision is reduced to its complete loss.
Carotene is absorbed only with fats, so you need to eat carrots in combination with vegetable oil or sour cream. It is better to grate vegetables on a fine grater.
With the help of citrus, you can prevent the development of inflammatory and age-related eye diseases. Vitamin C, that contained in them, strengthens capillaries, improves the flow of nutrients into the eye tissues, and slows the development of cataracts. Anyone who eats one orange a day provides himself with about half the daily dose of ascorbic acid.
Anthocyanins, which are part of blueberries, strengthen the walls of the capillaries of the eye, protect the retina from age-related dystrophy, reduce eye fatigue. Flavonoids and tannins, which are rich in wild berries, have anti-inflammatory effects and improve blood circulation.
During World War II, British pilots ate blueberry jam daily to relieve stress after night flights.
Today, doctors especially recommend blueberries to people who work at a computer. Just half a glass of berries a day will prevent the development of diseases caused by the high visual load.
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